Charity Work

Throughout our 60-year history, charitable giving has always been important to our company. This aspect of our company's culture began with the generous hearts and souls of Jim and Betty Davis, our company's founders. Every day, we try to do our best to make sure it continues.

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give…" Sir Winston Churchill

Shriners Hospitals for Children

Shriners Hospital for Children

The Shriners' mission has always been a cause near to our hearts. Shriners Hospitals for Children provides high-quality, pediatric specialty care to thousands of kids each year. All care is provided with no financial obligation to the patient or their family, and the majority of their efforts are made possible solely through the generosity of donors.

Jim's Formal Wear Family donates to the Shriners Hospital for Children

Steve Davis, Gary Davis, June Davis and Tom Barnett of the JFW Family are shown presenting a check to Ray Rohr, a Shriners Hospitals for Children Representative. JFW regularly contributes financially so the hospital can continue doing its fine work on behalf of sick children.

In addition to an annual Christmas gift made in the name of our retailers, we also host an annual charity golf tournament to support the cause - and have done so for the past 20+ years. Just in the last ten years alone, we have raised over $200,000.

Our company founder, Jim Davis, was a Shriner himself. Others from the Jim's family have also made the commitment to become Shriners and are active in the organization today including these corporate officers:

Gary Davis
Board Member
Jim's Formal Wear, LLC
Shriners Hospital Board Member
Ainad Shrine
Steve Davis
President & CEO
Jim's Formal Wear, LLC
Ainad Shrine
Dave Vosholler
VP, Merchandising
Jim's Formal Wear, LLC
Ainad Shrine
Ma-Cli-Bo Shrine Unit

Chakota Therapeutic riding center

Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center

JFW is also proud to support the Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center, a non-profit organization that depends on fundraisers, contributions, grants, and volunteers. Their mission is to provide people with disabilities with the opportunity for therapeutic interaction with horses, increasing their self-esteem, dignity, and emotional well-being.

The JFW family has been working with Chakota TRC since 2012 to increase the number of children getting the much-needed and life-improving therapy, even expanding the program further to include a pilot "Horses for Heroes" program for disabled veterans. The program has been so successful that a new indoor stadium that will increase therapy sessions is currently in the planning phases.

Therapy at the Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center
A child benefits from time spent on horseback.

Learning responsibility at the Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center
Responsibility is learned by caring for the horses.